Send outlook email based on data from excel

In StudioX you should use the capabilities of Excel to process your data. A possible solution for your task would be:

  1. Transform the Status column into a 0/1 numeric value by adding a new column.

  2. Create a Pivot Table in Excel with the values you need for your conditions to send the e-mail (Sum of Value, Date and Status)

  1. Make sure the Date column of pivot table is formatted as a Date:

  2. Go through each row of the resulted pivot table and send-mail if the conditions are met:

4.1) If the status is not 3 (all 3 records have the value Approved) skip the row and move to the next one:

4.2) Apply the sum of value and date conditions:

There could be other options like Iterating though all the rows and building a list in another sheet to send e-mails to , if the the conditions are met. You can use FindAndReplace activity to detect if the e-mail is already in the list and update the values associated with it.

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