Send Outlook Emai: the specified folder does not exist

Hi All
Studio version: 2019.10.2
I have got a weird error in the send outlook email, it says “the specified fodler does not exist”

but that folder is actually there in the inbox

But after a while, it suddenly works, for no reason.

This situation happens many times, and I did not change anything, it just suddently worked.

Anyone has this situation before? Any idea how to avoid this error happen again?

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This sounds like a network latency issue. You can put this in a Retry Scope to try until data is fetched or the number of retries is reached. You’ll want the Microsoft package Workflow Manager Activities and to get the “Is True” activity for the condition. Set it where a boolean returns True if data is retrieved in strEmails.

Also, allow the GetOutlookMailMessages activity to continue on error so the process may proceed. The retry scope will throw an error if the mail isn’t fetched within the specified number of tries.


really good solution & idea, thanks so much, I will try to implement this solution, but hard to test now as the latency happen occasionally. Still so many thanks.

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