Send Hot Key Activity

Hi Friends,

How to indicate on screen on desktop if remote desktop icon is available or i need to indicate by clicking on search button?

Could you please resolve this issue.

Hi @venkateshcheeni09
Can you elaborate on your issue?

I need to click on indicate on screen and take screen shot of remote desktop Icon?

Hi @venkateshcheeni09

we can use TAKE SCREENSHOT activity which will take the screenshot and store that image variable named Image1
–now use a SAVE IMAGE activity and pass the above variable as input as input to IMAGE Property and mention the filepath like this



Its not working for me.

Hi @venkateshcheeni09

You refer to the XAML file Below
Dummy.xaml (6.0 KB)



In this scenario you can make use of TAKE SCREENSHOT activity

May I know what issue you are facing on this
Here you go on how to use it

Cheers @venkateshcheeni09

Hi Palaniyappan

If possible shall we connect at today afternon.

Hi Gokul,

If possible shall we connect at today afternoon, I need help from you.