Send email and set sender as different email


I made automation with UiPath that extracts data from Excel file and sends them to specific email addresses specified in that excel.

The issue I have is that when people respond, the response should not come to my email but to the email of the specific department. I should not have access to or login details for the email of the department.

How to can I make sure the sender is shown as a specific email address that is not mine?

Thank you

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had you checked the reply to field & SentOnBehalfOfName option?


May I know what activity are you using to send an email ?

If you are using Send SMTP Mail Message or Send Outlook Mail Message activity then you can set different display name.

Hey @robvesver

You can use From for this to send from a different address using Send SMTP Mail Message


I have this error message when trying to put the email of the department in Send Outlook Mail Message → Account field

“Private: Send Outlook Mail Message: Account not found: ****”


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Hey @robvesver

You can’t do it with outlook activities.



You want to change the display name right ? If yes then write that email id under SentOnBehalfOfName instead of Account field.

Is there any other way to do it in UiPath?

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I want to change an email address so people who receive the email don’t see the personal email I use to send emails. They should see the email of the company department which I would like to specify somewhere in UiPath.

Hey @robvesver

You need to use Send SMTP mail message activity…

If your current account has SMTP access you can use the same in the above activity with custom from address.



Use Send SMTP Mail Message activity and there we can change the display name of the sender.

I should not know the login details of other departments’ emails. Right now I am getting an error

Send SMTP Mail Message: 5.2.252 SendAsDenied; not allowed to send as

STOREDRV.Submission.Exception:SendAsDeniedException.MapiExceptionSendAsDenied; Failed to process message due to a permanent exception with message [BeginDiagnosticData]Cannot submit message.

Do I need to know other departments’ login details?

Ok, as I understand it’s not possible without knowing the login details for the other account. I will open another thread about how to connect UiPath and Mailgun as it may be way to go.

I solved this issue by using third-party services (MailGun) and SMTP. Now I can send emails as somebody else.

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