i’m getting this error after the 1st iteration of the for each loop. download yearly report. its working fine for the 1st iteration then for second iteration its stuck on internet’s save button.
download file: Cannot find the UI element corresponding to this selector:
Hi @dilsher_khan
Can You Attach the screenshot Of the Selectors?
Hi @dilsher_khan
try to use Click activity inside the Attach window. and indicate that Popup window in Attach window activity.
hi ! still facing same problem now this time it took too much time in 2nd iteration. In 2nd iteration it took too much time then it select the month February and again took time to click on download button, then pop up comes and it trows the error.
Click ‘split button Save’: Cannot find the UI element corresponding to this selector:
download file: Cannot find the UI element corresponding to this selector:
Hi @dilsher_khan
Can You attach the screenshot of click that has been used for Click on save button and and try to use Click Image instead of normal Click Activity.
were you able to make a selection with the months buddy @dilsher_khan
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