Selector of get text of different column

showing hioghlights in upper of page not in text

@Kuldeep_Pandey try anchor base actvity
In your case, column is constatnt, but the row of total was changing. So need to sif it by choosing the TOTAL word as a anchor

its not working

Choose find element activity and drop in leftside of anchor base
Get text on right side

showing error

is it possible to share me the requested link or sample link.

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this is my code

Selector for find element,
validate it and highlight it amd check its highligted correctly

Check this for get text
Also select the TableColum value


You did not select the aaname=total
Indiacte again

Now in get text its highlighting total not text

aaname = table is not valid showing

this is the 3url have different text how i can make that robot can go to url and take text and in 2 go to url and take right text as same in a loop the text is in the last

Duplicate : Selector of get text of different column