I’m working on a process that would input data into an external website, and part of the error handling is to extract text from certain pop-ups and use it to clear some input rows. The problem is, the second time the window pops up in a session, IE 11 adds the “Don’t let this page create more messages” checkbox. This changes the selector in a pretty significant way.
I was wondering if anyone had a way to handle this besides having two separate branches depending on which selector exists? I was already using a wildcard after “row” in selector, but I can’t just go from the window class as I need the text and the row number for further activity.
First time without IE checkbox:
wnd app=‘iexplore.exe’ cls=‘#32770’ title=‘Message from webpage’
wnd ctrlid=‘65535’ title=‘The Plate Type in row 1 has to be PAS!’
Second time with IE checkbox:
wnd app=‘iexplore.exe’ cls=‘#32770’ title=‘Message from webpage’
wnd aaname=‘Message from webpage’ cls=‘DirectUIHWND’
ctrl name=‘Message from webpage’ role=‘pane’
ctrl name=‘The Plate Type in row 5 has to be PAS!’ role=‘text’
Use Delayafter and DelayBefore properties so that the frequency of the alert/Message box will be reset and the issue will NOT occur. This worked for me. Please give it a try. Thanks
Use image exists (for exclamation mark) over the message pop-up and if it exist then use click (or click image) activity to press ‘ok’ and make it go away!
The issue that I had wasn’t with closing that pop-up, it was with the change in selector that resulted for all subsequent pop-ups.
I’m sure there are other effective options, but here’s how I ended up handling it - every time I needed to attach to a pop-up window in the process, it followed went in a sequence:
Element Exists = OriginalSelector
If OriginalSelector = True
Then Attach OriginalSelector
Else Attach ModifiedSelector
And if there are further differences in selector for individual items in the pop-up, I handled those in the same If activity.
The best way is use IF to check if proper error pop-up window appears and then if the IF statement checked the appearance of pop-up window then returns variable. If value of returned variable is TRUE then CLICK function should click on X button on right upper corner to close window instead of OK button. No problems with selector since then.