Selector editor replaces double quote w/HTML quote

Scenario: Lesson 6, Practice 3 - parametrize selector

Steps to reproduce:

  • Open Google Calendar in IE.
  • Perform workflow steps
  • Replace ‘Click’ with ‘Highlight’
  • Add generic variable ‘day’ with default value 15 (no quotes)
  • Add Input activity, with output variable set to ‘day’
  • As described in workflow outline, , in Selector Editor, replace aaname=‘15’ with aaname=‘" +day +"’.
  • Save edit.

Current Behavior: Double quote is replaced with HTML quote. Selector must be edited in expression editor small window.

Expected Behavior: Double quote should remain intact in Selector Editor. Selectors should be able to be parametrized in Selector Editor.

Studio/Robot/Orchestrator Version: 17.1.6435

Last stable behavior: Unknown
Last stable version: Unknown
OS Version: Win7 Pro, 64-bit
Others if Relevant: (workflow, logs, .net version, service pack, etc):

To add! this issue is applicable for & character too

Hello @MGDEL,

Maybe this could help you:


hi Susana,

Your syntax looks correct. But you have to make sure the command is being executed out of the expression editor and not the selector editor. it sounds like you’re trying to execute this command out of the selector editor instead of the expression editor.

the difference between the selector editor and the expression editor is very subtle but significant. Unfortunately I don’t have my head around entire differences, but I have found that using variables only works from the expression editor.

The problem I see is if the selected field is created through a recording macro by default you get the selector editor in your work stream. If you create an action from the activities list when you open the selector field you will get the expression editor. you can then add your phrase including your variables into the expression editor save it and run it as a variable in a string.

You might have to play around with it for a while but your objective is to get your string with the variable into an expression editor in the selector field

i also stuck with the same issue in my learning… any solution for this is much appreciated.

The solution is to put the selector in a string variable. When assigning values to the string, you can add other parameters.


thank you for your response. attached is my selector.
my target is to pass number (15) dynamically which i was stored as a string in the variable called day.
can you please write the selector for the above.


Use String.Format(“some selector var = {0} etc. etc.”,arg) in the selector popup, concatenating with + doesn’t work well here.

Assume you create a variable called s. And you create another variable called i. Default value is “15”.
Assign the value to variable s the same as the value of the selector. Only change the last line as:
“…webctrl tag=‘TD’ aaname='”+i+“’ />”

Finally, for the activity you’re using, on the right panel, there is a selector field, clear everything inside, input the variable name s.
Try if it works.

I managed to overcome this problem by doing the following steps:

  1. Follow the practice instructions to the point of checking/unchecking the right items on UiPath Explorer. (before you are required to edit the “aaname”)

  2. Copy all the Selector texts, return to the UiPath Studio screen.

  3. Select the “Get Text” activity, delete all text that are currently in the “Selector” field in the Properties panel. (Do not click the “…” button. Simply click the text box, press Ctrl+A, press delete.)

  4. Now with the Selector textbox empty, click the “…” button. It will show the “Expression Editor” instead of the “Selector Editor”.

  5. Paste the text from UiPath Explorer copied earlier, into the “Expression Editor” field.

  6. (IMPORTANT) Delete all “new line” character, such that all text are in a single continuous line. If you skip this step, you will encounter the “string constants must end with double quote” error. I’m not sure if this is a bug in the software.

  7. From here onwards, you may edit the text to follow the rest of the exercise, using “*” and variable “comm”.

Hope this helps.


@HaveFaith, that’s a nice set of instructions. Thanks.