I’ve got 2 DataTables with the same structure.
I need to select all the unique rows form dt1 that are not presents in dt2 and store them to dt3.
Then I need to select all the unique rows form dt2 that are not presents in dt1 and concatenate them to dt3.
Which is the most performant way to perform this task ?
when no duplicates are present and all cols are to compare we can use set operations
dt3 = dt1.AsEnumerable.Except(dt2.AsEnumerable, DataRowComparer.Default).CopyToDataTable
otherwise we could use a custom LINQ
here swap above
dt4 = dt2AsEnumerable.Except(dt1.AsEnumerable, DataRowComparer.Default).CopyToDataTable
so dt3, dt4 can be later merged
Thank you very much @ppr.
Is there any method to groupe a DataRow by all its columns ?
we would recommend to open a new topic as it is a new case.
One of a few techniques is a GroupBy and an dynamic concatenated String over all cols as a single group by key
How to merge multiple DataTables avoiding the ‘Merge Data Table’ activity ?
we would use it.
For learning purpose can be tried.
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