I have 2 select methods
The first condition is subject column = subject variable(from mail)
The second select has condition subject not equal to subject
How to put a condition that is first condition not present then go to second during selection method
lets say you have a column with subject obtained from the mails
You would like to get the rows with that subject from that column first else go to the second condition…here i would like to suggest a activity called Filter Datatable activity
Like this where you can change to and / or based on your requirement
where out_dt_1 is the datatable obtained from the read range of excel file and out_dt_2 is the filtered datatble
Buddy @supu123
usually select method gives you filtered datatable rows based on a column from a datatable
So you can mention the condition that you want to be considered here in the filter datatable wizard, sorry i might have misunderstood your need with the condition so i may not have mentioned the right condition in the above image,if possible can i have the conditions again
The condition is if (mail’s subject = subject in excel and body =body in excel ticket) then check for date condition if any one not present then write to the excel ticket and again check the conditions.
I have used select method but its not working
Please help me out with this it is urgent