Select item in datatable


check if one column of my datatable contains for example the name “john”

can be interpretated in many directions:

  • True if any row contains John in columnA
    dtData.AsEnumerable.Any(Function (x) x(“ColumnA”).toString.Contains(“John”))

*return all john rows
dtData.AsEnumerable.Where(Function (x) x(“ColumnA”).toString.Contains(“John”)).toList
dtData.Select(“[Name] LIKE ‘%john%’”).toList

About the datarows and Copytodatatable:
we can also expect that a filter result can be empty. A copytodatatble would fail
So for this case we let us return list of Datatrows drResult
and in an if activity we do check:drResult.Count > 0
True. dtResult = drResult.CopytoDatatable

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