Select item from dropdown not working


I need to select an item from dropdown. I have used select item activity inside retry scope. But it’s neither selecting an item nor giving any error.

When I debug, it is working. but when I run the flow, it’s not working.

Kindly assist me.


Hi @meena.m1 ,

Check whether the selector has any dynamic values like ID, if exist remove the dynamic selector and open UiExplorer to use anchor instead of it.

or else there may be mismatch in the text you added in the activity to select, check that as well.

Hi @Dharunya_Devi,

I missed to mention when I debug it is working. But when I run its not working.


Then add 5 seconds delay before select item activity and check

Hi @Dharunya_Devi,

I’ve added 10 secs delay using delay activity. Also, I’ve given 2 seconds in delaybefore of select item activity.

Still it is not working


can you provide the screenshot of it and its property

@meena.m1 Try this solution Before select item use click activity and indicate to any other element

make sure, continue on error should be false…

yes It is @raja_ias


Its working now

No… It is not working.

Hi @Dharunya_Devi

Here is the selector

Its properties:


in the item pls double check the argument u passed it right?


Try using aaname or any other static selectors both for value filed and anchor in selector, instead of id and parentid

if your dropdown list have many duplicate items but their ID are uinique then the Select item activity won’t select the correct item. I had the same issue and managed to make it works using Inject js script with code here. How to select specific item in drop down list by the item's index - #4 by Dawid_Nguyen

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