Select Checkbox as per excel row

I have an excel in which there is data to select radiobox. I want to pick the data from that excel and select the radiobox but i am using older version so i need to use datatable activity. I want to update status such as success or any kind of exception in Remark column in the same excel sheet.
I want to select radixbox from website Radio buttons ( If data in excel not matches with that of radiobox then it should write the exception in remark column. If any data is blank then also it should write the exception and proceed.
Please someone help me with the code.

Test 01.xlsx (9.4 KB)
Website : Radio buttons (

Hi @Omkar_Shete1

Please check below workflow
Workflow1.xaml (27.4 KB)
Test 01.xlsx (9.6 KB)

Thank you so much

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