Select appropriate item in a browser table

Hello everyone.
i don’t know how to do a select appropriate item in a browser table.
this is the table.

I have a lot of name of society ( in this screen i rename it of privacy in A,B,C…).
For every society in this brwoser table i have two row: one have the IDNAME called: “infocccbicca” and another one called: “infocccbixml”.

i want the automation click on box sel (select) only for a particular society (ex: A , C, D and E) and for that society only for the row containing the IDNAME “infocccbixml”

how can i do?

it’s my first automation. sorry for my stupid question:)


noone can helpme?

Hi Loris,

Please find below the steps to solve your problem.

As you are working on a Web table the first thing you have to do is grab all the data from table using the Data Scrapping in uipath
Check the selector of the element on which you want to click and create the selector using Uiexplorer in UiPath
Check the selector attribute with the data which you have scraped using the data scrapping.
There must be an element in selector which is already available in the data scrapping table . Like aaname= Society name.
So using the above logic you can create the selector dynamic and able to click on the elements dynamically.
Please can you share the selector on which, you want to click and one data row, which you will get after data scrapping.
Also please check on Google how to make dynamic selector in UiPath.

Thanks ,
Pawan Pant

@Loris_Sambinelli - can you try to provide selector for the checkbox & the name columns - so that we can provide a dynamic selector selections.

i’va done the data table scraping.
the result is:
INFOCC - CBICCA… NAME SOCIETY A 03069 Conti Correnti (CBI/SWIFT/CAMT) 24.04.2020 24.04.2020 3025 Prenota scarico
INFOCC - CBICCA… NAME SOCIETY B 03069 Conti Correnti (CBI/SWIFT/CAMT) 24.04.2020 24.04.2020 484 Prenota scarico
INFOCC - CBICCA… NAME SOCIETY C 03069 Conti Correnti (CBI/SWIFT/CAMT) 24.04.2020 24.04.2020 726 Prenota scarico

in the table on the column A there are only blank cell .

this is my workflow

if I click on selector I find this

<html title='inbiz' />
<webctrl name='casella_sel_flussi' type='checkbox' tag='INPUT' aaname='' />

and I click on anchor I find this

<html title='inbiz' />
<webctrl aaname='SEL ID File Azienda Banca Tipo Data flusso Data scarico DIM.(KB)*' parentid='frmDownload' tag='TABLE' />
<webctrl type='' isleaf='1' tag='TD' aaname='NUOVA SACELIT S.R.L. ' />

how can I do to do a robot to click on checkbox only for a society stored in a variable?
Thanks a lot guys