Select an option within the menu

I want to select an option in the menu, but when I return to the RPA the option is deleted and I do not know how to do it.

There are a lot of different ways to do it (if I understand your question properly)

The problem you are facing is that the dropdown does not show when clicking the main object (or disappearing) right?

If you can use selectors, try using Select item to select the proper dropdown item.
If you cant use selectors you can try using hotkeys to go through them.
If you cant use hotkeys you have to do an image recognition to select the proper item. (worst idea ever)

If I misunderstood you, please explain :slight_smile:
Good luck!

Hi @MickeyFireMouse

Try to use send hot key as Alt + e for edit menu and use type into for long text and give right and choose what ever option you want


Hi @AshwinS2
I think you mentioned the wrong person :slight_smile:

Hi @MickeyFireMouse

Oops sorry
