I am trying to make an automation for receiving and importing data tables to a system via excel table.
However as I receive the emails the tables in excel vary. I want to transfer the data tables from one excel to another.
I wanted to ask you how to use Ctrl+A (select all) in Copy-Paste Range.. I tried in Advanced Editor, unfortunately without success. It is my first time that I come across VB.
Not sure I understand the format of the tables in the Excel files, but, if they are one per sheet, you can try to use the entire sheet as source. StudioX automatically selects only the “used range” of the sheet:
Yes, but it won’t work since I have other data in the sheet that I do not need included. I just need a certain table for example A5:H24, to be pasted in A1 in other excel file. However, as I receive the excel files the tables vary sometimes it is A5:H24 sometimes A5:H28 etc… I need a copy paste range that will work on all tables, not with a fixed range.
I have tried in Studio, but it says the Table does not exist. The table is not defined, it does not have name, it is consisted of personal data, payments, codes, date of payments and data about each column. I have tried to add the name Code but it does not function. And I put the activity “Get Table Range” before Copy Range activity, but now I get stuck at “Get Table Range”. I am not sure exactly how can I extract the range. Thank you.