Scroll & Take screenshot

Continuation of this post : Scroll and take screenshot in SAP & Putty - #6 by Sathish_Kumar_S

Our requirement is to scroll & take screenshot of all the content in SAP & Putty using the static value at the end of each file.

Static text value is : #EOF and it will present in at the end of each file in both SAP & Putty.

Can you please guide me to apply the logic to scroll & take screenshot of each page until it is reaches the static value

please use while loop with element exist , just take one reference that always exist while scroll down for scroll down use hot keys by this way you can use

i have added image exisits activity and used image exisits output as input for while loop activity. added sendhotkey ( scroll) but it is not scrolling

before send hotkey please initiate the click on particular place