Screen scraping doesn't produce generate table block before the get text block

I am attempting to screen scrap unsorted data. Everything seems to be going as planned, until I try and generate a database table.

Here is what I perceive to be the issue.
The generate table block is missing. Should be where arrow is

When I add the generate data table block I get an error message
None of the overload groups have the required/optional activity arguments configured.

which i think stems from the missing generate table block.

The web scraping activity generates a string, not a table.

You can take the string and add the variable to an initialized datatable

Then how do i get the generate table as and an generate database table as shown in the UI Path academy sequence below.

In the GenerateDataTable activity there is an input property which accepts a string type argument

In the Designer panel, the result of the screen scraping contains the following, in sequential order:

  • a Screen Scraping sequence
  • an [ Attach Window ] or [ Attach Browser ] activity
  • a Generate Table container
  • a [ Get Full Text ], [ Get Visible Text ]or [ Get OCR Text ]activity, depending on the method used to scrape the unstructured data
  • the [ Generate Data Table ] activity for storing the data must be added from the Activities panel.

When I do it, i do not get the generate table container. Which you cannot add from the activities panel in the designer. I assume it is needed, if not then why is it in the training solution and no other method is given to resolve this

It may have been part of an earlier release of UiPath. All screen scraping methods output to a string instead of datatable. you can add it to an initialized datatable separately however, if that is what you need. I do not see the problem.

Hi, encountering the same problem. Did you find a workaround?