Scrape and filter data table, click on hyperlink and perform actions

Hi All,

A B C D Number Status Supp Status Send Date
A B C D 1234 Sent Live 10/10/2019

Note: A B C D are hyperlinks

The above is the example of the data table I scrapped by filtering with condition of

reqdate(variable)= DateTime.Now.AddDays(-8).ToString(“MM/dd/yyyy”) and stored in

FinItems(variable)= ExtractDataTable.Select(“[Supp Status] = ‘LIVE’ AND [Send Date] < '”+reqdate+“'”).CopyToDataTable

Now, I need to click on click on “C” hyperlink of each row filtered above in the data table and perform some task

Note: Clicking C hyperlink will open a different page but not URL

Please help me the approach of performing the above task either with for each or modifying the selectors or by defining indexers. I have tried some but need your inputs