Scheduling job

Its a scenarion need help guys… In every 30 minutes a process has to run 10 times. 1st time the schedule is triggered 10 jobs are queued. in that 30 minutes only 4 jobs ran and 6 remained in pending state.
so in next trigger how many jobs will be der in queue?

which orchestration version are you using

does it matter?

Jobs will be keep on adding to the Queue, which ever will be there in pending state, If you have made a retry to 3 or 4 times it will try to run all pending jobs before picking the new.

yes in the vrsn 2019.10 , if a job is pending, then the orchestrator is showing message like could not create a job as the jobs are already pending where as in the previous version 2018 , all the jobs will be displayed as pending and would be triggered sequentially