Currently taking screenshots in local drive. Once the package is published in orchestrator and the package is run from orchestrator how to take screenshot and save the file in a shared point drive. It has the option icon to click and create a folder. Inside the folder how to save the file using take screenshot activity?
Tried using assign placing the entire share point path url
and directly placing the share path url in take screenshot
The path of the Screenshot in RE Framework will be saved in a variable. Fetch the path of the screenshot from variable then Use the Sharepoint activites to upload the picture in to the share point drive.
Screenshot needs to be saved in local folder first. Either you can choose a local drive path or you can save it under project root folder as well(not advised though as it will increase the size of the project package over a period of time).
After that, you can decide whether you would like to save it temporarily and delete once it is uploaded to SharePoint or storage buckets. Or you can choose to keep it in local folder as well(not advised though).
Please note you can also upload screenshots to storage buckets on orchestrator and anyone who has the access to orchestrator and the required folder should be able to view and download it.