Save Mail Message Automation from Apps

I ran my automation, which downloads emails, from Studio ran fine. When I run it from Apps, the Save Mail Message doesn’t seem to work. All the parameters are checking out fine. It just doesn’t do it when it gets to that step.

Does your automation work when you try to run it from your Assistant? Are you able to share the automation and the app that you’ve built so we can take a look?

This doesn’t belong in the Feedback section, you should post this in the Help section.

I just tried and the same issue - no email saved using the Save Mail Message Activity. The message is saved when I run it attended, but not unattended, using app, or assistant. What can I share with the automation and app that would be helpful?

Thanks, just moved it.

It sounds like this isn’t actually an Apps related issue. Are you running the automation on the same machine it was developed on (in Studio)?