Save attachments dividing an image attachments into 2 parts

While trying to save an IMAGE attachments from outlook emails, It is dividing the image into 2 parts.

I am using Save attachment activity .
Can anyone help me ?


can you check again (delete all files from folder) and run it only 1 time
Can it be the the case that the overwriting was not ticked on and now files with xxx_1.xx, xxx_2.xx are created for the different test runs

Also check the attachment counts if e.g. nested files are saved as well

ok. will check thanks

I checked but nothing repeated. I don’t know why it is dividing.

so now lets clear what is exactly done / meant with dividing.

maybe you can share the implementation / screenshot of relevant part.

Also feel free to debug it and check the attachment count within the immediate panel

Let’s assume one image of invoice is there and when saving this invoice attachment , it is saving as 2 by dividing that image into 2 parts

this is surprising. However, we would recommend checking against the Attachments.Count done within a debug

ok, will do