SAP login for completing the SAP automation training

I hope most of them have completed their training on SAP automation. I just started to look into this section, but I have few questions before starting to look at the video.

  1. Is there a uipath specific SAP application that’s mentioned in the video?
  2. How do I register to this SAP application and use the same for testing?
  3. Please provide me the link or url to register and follow this video.
    Appreciate you kind help in this regard.
    Many Thanks,

I have same concern with you. I am searching the SAP Application download for practice.
Hope any one can help us answer these question.

Hi @tri_ca, I hope you meant ‘you have same concern as me’.
Well, I haven’t got any response from anyone in this forum. Finally I found out with SAP that to access the SAP apps, we need to have S-User ID for SAP market place, that only SAP professionals will have.
So, you need to just follow the tutorial and complete the quiz.
Hope this helps.


I am planning to take SAP automation Course, I also have same concern on SAP application, Can we get it from anywhere for practice? I tried above links and downloaded “” but there are so many folders.Not sure which we need to setup? Can anybody help here?

For specific path for SAP application you can search them online in internet. If you want to do SAP Automation Training or any other SAP Training course then you can join SAP Training Course in Noida where you will get to work in real projects with industry certified trainers which will help them to make your learning as much easy then you think.