Sap Flow failing , ,unable to find selector

I am automating the SAP business client , the flow was working, and scrips were passing in orchestrator, but after 2 days, it started failing, and its unable to find the element, when i select the element again to click, in the work flow , it highlighted whole block or page, previously i was able to click on particular element . I faced the same issue in citrix application too
I want to create a robust script, but every next day its failing


I guess they updated any patches on server or client side. Could you please restart SAP application once and check.

I actually restarted, but it happens every another day, it work, then after 2 days it failed to find the element, then i change the activity to click image instead of click, as this time it is highlighting whole page and didn’t allow to select particular element , then it worked, then again it failed after few hours.
i am looking for permanent solution to run the scripts without error

Is it disabling the selectors.? or it is changing the selectors.?

What statement are you using for selector?

I was using click

Would you mind shaing snapshots and package i can try?