SAP CRM- Back button cllick. Crash the window and SAP reopen the window

I am using SAP CRM and on click activity,clicking on the back button. Once click , it freeze the web page and then crash the SAP web page.

After click i cannot even perform any manual action.

If i do this steps manually, it works fine.
When i execute in debug mode and put break point before this click and perform this click manually ,it freeze the page and crash the system.

I have tried complete,interactive and none all the option . But no use.

Any one got any suggestion for me.

Hi @jelin,
Have your tried to use Simulate Click attribute?

i have tried, it does not work.

If SAP is using Java, please be sure that you are using v8 of java. Newest versions are not supported.

Fine kindly use activity called SEND HOTKEY ACTIVITY and use key as tab and use n number of this activity until you reach the field where you want to click
once after reaching use a send hot key activity with a key enter that would click that field or button
Hope this would help you buddy
Cheers @jelin

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