SAP - Controls Identification

Hi all - We are automating on top of SAP & we are not able to successfully identify all the controls uniquely. Some of the top bar menus are being identified individually but when a line is opened for details, the text boxes, drop downs etc., are not being recognized. The entire frame gets highlighted.
I checked & both the client side & server side scripting are set to be TRUE/ENABLED.

Please help


When you say “all the controls”, this means that 90% from the UI elements can be identify and 10% not? Because in this case, for all this cases you will have to see if you can work with hotkeys and not, then with Image Automation.


No, it’s more like 95% not and 5% possible. For the 95% controls, the entire frame gets selected and not individual controls.



And are you sure both client side & server side scripting are set to be TRUE/ENABLED?
Because if this two are enable, then should work selectors in SAP without any exceptions.

Can you check again? This are the settings:


Hi Ninett
Yes, both the server side scripting and client side scripting are enabled. SAP Front End Version is 740 and so the screen looks a little different, but we have seen that the sapgui/user_scripting is set to TRUE, through an admin user. We are using UIPath trial version 2018.4. WOndering if those two are not compatible.
