SAP automation across all SAP UIs and beyond - also SAP GUI for Java

Nearly two weeks ago presented @LevKushnir in his great presentation, about the upcoming UiPath Test Suite, the following slide.

It was great to see which possibilities UiPath offers to automate different SAP UI bases.
But I missed one: The SAP GUI for Java.


Sure, in the business it is of little importance. But I saw a challenge in this consideration. So I quickly loaded the SAP GUI for Java from the SAP Support Portal, installed and tested it in conjunction with UiPath. And I installed the UiPath Java Tools.


The UiPath recorder detects all my activities and without any problems it recognized any control, menu and any other UI element in the SAP GUI for Java. But I encountered a problem while replaying. Certain UI elements were not found anymore after the recording.

The name attribute of the java tag contains a path 'application toolbar - application toolbar - ’ in front of the button name ‘Number of Entries’. I replaced it with an asterisk and now all works well so far.

Unfortunately I could not read the content of UI elements of the interface. The Get Text activity works with the SAP GUI for Windows well but with the SAP GUI for Java it delivers nothing.


The selector is valid but returns no value.


This was the first time I use UiPath to automate SAP GUI for Java and it works well so far for my first steps. I still have a few things to learn here. Even though the SAP GUI for Windows and the SAP GUI for Java looks very similar, but they are fundamentally different.

As far as I can say, Lev Kushnir will probably have to add SAP JavaGUI to his slide. :grinning:

As Buzz Lightyear said so nicely: To infinity and beyond. I guess that’s one of UiPath’s principle for automation. :+1: :+1: :+1:


Hey @StefanSchnell

Love your investigation and ideas! Will update the slide deck accordingly :slight_smile:

Stay tuned, working on the next topic…

Best regards, Lev

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Hello Lev,
maybe like this :wink:
Best regards

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