Hi @amarasto
What is your requirement ?
Are you trying to do something with records based on loop
Hi @AshwinS2,
Yes,this error is getting generated during an iteration of for loop but it is not persistent.This is being generated randomly.
Is it based on Excel manipulations
What you are doing with this requirement
I am working on citrix automation and there is a series of steps which i need to follow inside the loop but no excel involved.
Yes,The application which we are working on for automation is quite slow and unresponsive sometimes.
Hi @amarasto
Try to give static delays like delay within each activity
Check it
This Error is caused by either Some installation issue on Windows 10 Or An Application
In your case it could be caused by a corrupted excel, or its data. Check if any instances of excel are left orphaned in the background or not closed properly
Hey @neonova,
Thanks for your valuable inputs.
This issue has been fixed.Wait element vanish was creating this problem.
I replaced wait element vanish with retry scope and it worked.Since then it is working fine and no issue encountered.
Glad to know that. please mark an appropriate solution so that others can benefit in future!
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