I’m getting the following error while running ‘Run Query’ or ‘Run Command’ activities in UiPath.
Error: Invalid object name ‘[DatabaseName].[dbo].[TableName]’
The table is available in the database and I tried with only ‘[dbo].[TableName]’ and ‘[TableName]’ too but got the same error.
Database configuration:
Provider- Microsoft.Data.SqlClient
The connection was tested successfully using the given Data Source and database [DatabaseName] in ‘Connect to Database’ activity.
I’ve tried with another table which doesn’t have any space - given same error
I’ve tried with another table ‘Table1’ too, which doesn’t exist in the database - it has given the same error!
Weird thing is the for an table which doesn’t exist at all should throw an error like
“database.Table1 doesn’t exist”
But the error here is Invalid Object Name - and the same error is coming for the tables that exist as well as for those table which don’t exist!!!