Run Process Daily Between 8am-6pm

Hi all,
Could someone clarify whether it’s possible to set up a trigger for a process on Orchestrator to have a bot execute it between 8am - 6 pm? Some CRON expression features by chance or other options like CSV calendar in Orchestrator settings?


It’s passible…
Please put below expression in orch,
0 0 8-18 ? * * *

Description - At second :00, at minute :00, every hour between 08am and 18pm, of every day


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thank you @Pankaj.Patil, can I maybe specify some instructions with that expression to do the job every half an hour? Perhaps by inserting /30 as a second parameter 0 /30 8-18 ? * * *


You were so close to make it :)…

here you go

0 0/30 8-18 ? * * *


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