Run command activity error


I will insert data into the data table using database ‘Run Command’ activity but some error occur. I have shared screenshot below.
plz check and help me how can resolve.

sql query:

Insert Into [dbo].[APInvoiceProcessStatus] ([PONumbers],[InvoiceNumber],[InvoiceDate],[InvoiceAmount],[DebitOrCredit1],[DebitOrCredit2],[ProcessFlag],[Exception],[Status],[DateTime]) VALUES (‘“+vPONum(0).tostring.trim+”’,‘“+vInvoiceNum(0).tostring.trim+”’,‘“+vInvoiceDate(0).tostring.trim+”’,‘“+vTotalAmount(0).tostring.trim+”’,‘Null’,‘Null’,‘InProgress’,‘“+In_CurrentDate+”’)

Minal Patil


The query should be in string format enclose the query in double quotes


thanks it is solve

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