Run automation from Orchestrator and add as input to the automation the unique jobid

Hi All,

Is it possible to run an automation from orchestrator, and somehow add as an input variable to the flow that holds the specific run id?

I need to send the run id via email at the end of the run, and I do not know how to retrieve it and send it only if the flow started from orchestrator.

I have 2 options for you
1.Use Queue Orchestrator
2.Use Excel

Hi erika,

Not that i know off, but you can simply get the job ID by using the Activities - Get Current Job Info activity. It’s the Key property.

The image shows a software workflow sequence where current job information is obtained and the job ID is assigned to the key value from job data. (Captioned by AI)

Hope this helps!

Yes Using Orchestrator HTTP Request you can retrieve specific job id