Run a exe as Run As Different user

Hi All,

I have to run a exe with different user credentials other than the one which used to connect/login with the machine.

It is a desktop application, the user1 have access to the desktop application. But we want to run the desktop application with user2 login with user1 credentials.

The credentials are stored in the orcehstrator, using the command line I am able to launch the application as different user, but how to pass the password from the get credentials activity to the command line window. I am stuck there.

Thanks in advance.

may i know why u want to pass the password from the get credentials activity to the command line window.


Password should be in the orchestrator as per the standard.

And it is common for few other processes, so if anything needs to be changed that can be done at a place.

You can do that, directly use get credentials activity in xaml files by eliminating Command line window


Thank you for your input. That can be done, my problem is different. Kindly check my first post.