I am trying to create an RPA to read a customer code (inside a worksheet raw file within the same workbook) > input the customer code to a cell which auto-generate the results of the customer’s detail > copy the excelsheet and generate an image > insert the image to a mail and send out to customer.
When I input the customer code to the “CU CODE:XXXX” cell for example, the excel page with images will auto fill up the details such as “Purchase Amount: XXXX” , “Purchased Product: XXXX”
I do not know which tools to use as I have about 100+ customers to search through using UiPath studio.
Use excel related activities…to get the customer codes use read range and read all codes
Then use for each row in datatable to get each code and then inside loop use write cell to write the data to required cell…then use excel save as pdf activity to save the required generated sheet as pdf …
Then use pdf to image activity to convert pdf file to image…
Now the generated image can be added to your mail and use send outlook mail message to send mail…
All thse activities are to be dine inside for loop…so that the same task is repeated for each customer code
You dont directly have it…that is the reason we convert to pdf and there is an inbuilt activity to convert pdf to image which can be used to convert to image