Rpa Starter Course help with CurrencyConverter Module

hey guys
i just loaded UiPath studio, doing my first automation (CurrencyConverter),
i reached the part where i loaded the Excel file and the CSV file too,
now i have to run the program.
it runs, opening an excel sheet, i can see the data displayed there in the sheet, but then it just crashes, taking me back to the original Studio page where i pressed the RUN button!!
really stuck here
glad to anybody how can help


any error you are facing, please share that


Hey there
There isn’t an error message
It just loads the sheet
Then Excel crashes
But no error message gets displayed


How many rows of data excel contains, Also which MS office version are you using


Microsoft Office Version is

It has probably over 30 lines of data
The file is from CurrencyConverter
From the RPA started module, create your first automation

I add excel activity
I add Read CSV
I run
It opens an excel sheet
I see the data for less than a second
Then excel crashes and I go back to UiPath studio

Let me know and thanks my friend


If you are using excel activity then don’t use read csv, use Read range activity

Mark as solution if this helps


Microsoft Office Version is

It has probably over 30 lines of data
The file is from CurrencyConverter
From the RPA started module, create your first automation

I add excel activity
I add Read CSV
I run
It opens an excel sheet
I see the data for less than a second
Then excel crashes and I go back to UiPath studio

Let me know and thanks my friend

I tried loading:

Read Range

But it’s not present among the available activities

I just followed what the video exercise Said to do

Maybe it’s not working due to the orchestrator Not being connected?

Let me know

Please let me know

If you can’t help me please pass me to another technician who can help
I need this to be fixed as soon as possible


Can you attach your workflow, I will check and let you know the problem


Will absolutely do
I can I do that tho?
Share the workflow I mean


Share the files .xaml file, project.json files


Sorry just had a typo

Where can I find the option to share the workflow ?



you can attach files with your mail OR login to UiPath forums and there you found attachments


Did you receive the files?

Let me know



i tried uploading the files but as a new user i cannot upload any, is there any other way?
let me know thanks

so how do we move forward?
i still haven’t fixed the problem and there arent many UiPath forums i can ask to