RPA Execute the process multiple times

Dear Team,

We have six BAT files that we execute daily for a specific banking activity. During the end-of-day (EOD) process we manually run each BAT file one by one with each file taking approximately 15 to 20 minutes to load and complete.

To automate this process we use RPI which executes all BAT files sequentially and completes the process while also sending an SMS notification. However during the last execution RPI ran the BAT files multiple times consecutively—each BAT file was executed three times in a loop.

Could you please explain the possible reasons for this issue? Additionally, it would be helpful to understand an example scenario of why this might have happened and how we can prevent it from occurring in the future.

We are using a Windows Server.

Please check log information at retry method. When Retry method configured for 3 times automatically if any error occurs it will attempt 3 times at max. So please check error in log… you can understand where exactly it is happening to trigger 2nd and 3rd attempts.

Some times you can see non sync issues as well which is causing retry method is going to enable. Hope my inputs are useful!

This is not the intended way to run or schedule automations. You can use time triggers to start a daily process like this in the Orchestrator.