RPA course for students between class 1 to 10


I wish to spread RPA awareness in UiPath among school students between class 1 to 10 but having problem finding a a particular course for them that will fit to their intelligence. Can someone help me how to design a course for them to increase their interest in the subject?


academy.uipath.com has RPA Awareness courses that teach when it is best to use RPA and when a process isn’t well-suited for RPA.

@Anthony_Humphries thank you for the suggestion, but is it not too heavy for little brain in school to go into such discussions?

There are some approaches to Bring development activities more Close to Kids. E.g. an If Else flow is Organized by Puzzle pieces and the Kids will use IT for constructing a Sample flow. I would suggest to have a Look on such ideas (Visual coding) and also have a compair Research in Other offers e.g from LEGO (r)

With some Key concepts i do feel that you are prepared to adopt beginner courses and workout some Starter Lessons in RPA for Kids

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@ppr thank you so much, i am in a journey to make a nice presentation for them. I will keep asking for more ideas in future, if needed.

What WE learned on Other Side that IT IS important to keep an eye on target groups and also to Test individually on which Level IT can be pulled and when IT IS too high and far.

Often WE so need to start with a story telling and Here i do See a good aligned Bridge for the beginning classes. Telling a Story about a Robot who was learning a Task, but failed as e.g the searched picture was different etc. So the kids can be integrated to Help the bot by giving Commands etc. In the next round the kids can learn in how a command is constructed, Forking Routes etc…

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