RPA challenge Invoice Extraction through ReFramework?

Hi all,

I want to do the Rpachallenge Invoice Extraction through Reframework, i have successfully setup the Init State but i am stuck in Get transaction state, i have already scraped the data from the Site

RoboticEnterpriseFramework_RPAChallenge.zip (962.4 KB)

Hi @Jai_Pande,

Thanks for reaching out.

If you want to Utilize RE Framework. Make sure you have done following things

  1. if you are utilizing Queue for processing then you have created Queue In orchestrator.
    2.After extraction of Data you successfully added Data In Queue for processing.

If there is no queue and no data in Queue then will not able to retrive any kind of data in Get Transacton State.

Hope this helps you.
for any query please feel free to reach out.

Happy Automation,


Hi, yes i have used queues in Orchestrator and also pushed the data using the dispatcher sequence, but the site data is dynamic can you kindly refer my workflow if its okay?

can you share specific item name from queue.

Here in code I see you have disabled process transaction state and trying to Modify RE framework for datatable.


Actually the Workflow was not complete so i was debugging only the Get transaction state. See i just want to procure the data out of the scraped data table and us DU in Process state to extract the data out of images

Trying to make it linear process by using in_TransactionNumber = 1 , but what should i give out_TransactionItem ? i have used table extraction

you can pass the URL in Queue and Then Get Transaction Items one By one through get Transaction Data and Use Extraction of data table In Process Transaction.

Hope it makes sense to you.

If you still stuck can you paste exact error you are getting while debugging.

ReFrameWork-WithoutQueues-main.zip (2.3 MB)