Hi, I need to see how to get the records from the column Nro / Comprob. that start with “6” and that in turn in the Difference column is greater than 1.00
then pass the record to another excel
Libro1.xlsx (10.3 KB)
Hi, I need to see how to get the records from the column Nro / Comprob. that start with “6” and that in turn in the Difference column is greater than 1.00
then pass the record to another excel
Libro1.xlsx (10.3 KB)
podria ser asi?
Here is the workflow:
excelnik.xaml (16.6 KB)
Please tell me if that helps you
I have attached the workflow…use this…Ignore the .ToDecimal
And this is also happening because in your excel sheet there are spaces IN FRONT AND IN END in the column names…you need to remove that or you have to use row(ColumnNumber) insetad of row(“DIFERENCIA”)
now it works, thank you very much
Could you please mark it as a solution please…