I have an excel with 2 columns A and B. I need to filter B column with “ABC”. And if “ABC” I’d found in B column I want to replace that value with Column A data.
Example if I find “ABC” in 2nd row of B column then I need to replace it with Column A 2nd row value.
I am filtering the data and passing that filtered data into for each row but how do I get the row where exactly i need to replace the data.
You can use the LINQ Expression for this, check the below steps,
→ Use read range workbook activity to read the excel and store in a datatable called dt_Input.
→ Then use assign activity to write the linq expression,
- Assign -> dt_Output = (From row In dt_Input
Let ColumnB = If(row("ColumnB").toString.equals("ABC"), row("ColumnA"), row("ColumnB"))
Select DT1.Clone.Rows.Add({row("ColumnA"),ColumnB})
→ Use the Write range workbook activity to write the dt_Output to same excel.
Check the below workflow for better understanding,
→ Take the Excel Process scope activity and insert the Use excel file activity inside of it.
→ Give the Path of the excel in Use excel file activity.
→ Insert the for each excel row activity inside the Use excel file activity.
→ Inside for each insert the If activity to check the condition, give the below condition in If,
→ In Then block insert the write cell activity, In What to write field give the CurrentRow(“ColumnA”).toString and In where to write field give the CurrentRow.ByField(“ColumnB”).
→ Don’t insert any activity inside the else block.
Check the below workflow for better understanding,
@mkankatala Thank you for such a fast reply but I am facing with an issue that is I have other columns also like C to Z after giving this linq I am getting all the other columns empty.
Could you share your input file and give me the details which columns we have to check according to that I’ll modify the linq expression… @0bb4628e217fd43ac86ac9294