Hello all,
In other platform we used tags to know where the robot has an issue and in the retry we get this tag from the queue and start the process from there,
For example robot A doing 1234, if its has an issue on step 3 i will retry but i dont want to do 1 and 2,
I know its possible by accessing the DB and and add column and keep updating it,
Use Set Transaction Progress activity to update queue items’ Progress field during processing.
When a transaction starts, check the transactions’ progress by the Progress property (transactionItem.Progress returns a string representation of what’s stored in the Progress field).
Use If/Switch clause(s) to determine how you process the item.
Transaction Progress: In your process, you can update the progress of a transaction at various points, such as at the end of each step or after a critical point in the workflow. You can use the Set Transaction Progress activity to update the status of the transaction to indicate where the process stands.
Queue Item Custom Data: You can also use the custom data field of the queue item to store additional information about the progress or the last successfully executed step. This can be a tag or a specific checkpoint identifier.
Retries and Conditional Logic: When a transaction fails, you can set up a retry mechanism based on the status or custom data of the queue item. You can retrieve the custom data, check the progress or checkpoint, and then decide whether to retry the failed step or move to the next logical step in the process.
Queue Items and Filtering: When working with the Orchestrator queues, you can use filtering to select items based on their custom data or status. This way, you can identify the transactions that need attention and selectively retry them from the specific point.
Logging: Ensure that your robots log relevant information about the progress and errors in each transaction so that you can make informed decisions about where to resume the process.
While UiPath Orchestrator doesn’t provide a direct “tagging” feature like some other platforms, it allows you to use the Transaction Progress and custom data fields to accomplish the same goal of resuming a process from a specific point in a more controlled and efficient manner.