I try to enter user name and password in my terminal session, in the our terminal we click on right enter ( which located near the numbers) to move the next screen
and I dont know what I should need to use, the transmit, the CTRL+M not work, also [k(enter)] in send keys not work
can someone help me?
I tried it, not work
not work in detail? how was it done, what is not working?
Maybe also good to check the key mappings from terminal. Feel free to share with us the Terminal details
How about:
- Terminal recording?
- Control Key: Return?
return - not work
its terminal that I connect from direct connection
please let’s have a straightforward dialog:
feedback was it done
was it done?
You should use “[k(numEnter)]”
IBM personal communication
I was used in record terminal
It didn’t get us anywhere
I tried, its not help
maybe help to know that the fields that I used is userName and password
in the regular emulation screen, we type them and thaen click on right enter
here ( in UI PATH) I dont know what to use
We automate a process in same terminal emulator (IBM personal communication) and “k(numEnter)]” works fine.
Update: We do not use modern UI activities.
Another detail I didn’t mention, that under the username and password fields, there are fields for a new password, and when I try to press all types of enter keys, it takes me to these fields, so I actually need a replacement for the right enter, and the solution you came up with for some reason doesn’t help
In our terminal app there is also a new password field beneath username/password.
We type there:
username + TAB
password + numEnter
In principle: You need to understand precisely how to navigate in the terminal app manually. Only then you could replicate the process by robot.
Does it behave the same when you type to terminal manually?
when I click on regular enter (new line)- yes, I get the error message
when I use with your solution - numEnter - its move to the new password
maybe the problem is that my terminal should be RTL (hebrew text) and UI PATH display the terminal LTR?
You should be using Direct Connection, not a third party client. Direct Connection is much simpler and more reliable.