RIght-click select of screen

I am automating a very GUI-limited application (Meditech 4x workstation). The only way to read the text from the screen is to right-click select the desired area of the screen and copy into the clipboard. How can I simulate a right-click area selection using UiPath?

Seem like you need to drag with the mouse?

If thats the case you can do:

[Click Activity1]
Click Type: CLICK_DOWN
Mouse Button: BTN_RIGHT
[+]Target: Clipping Region : put in your x,y coordinates where you want to start from

[Click Activity2]
Click Type: CLICK_UP
Mouse Button: BTN_RIGHT
[+]Target: Clipping Region : put in your x,y coordinates where you want to end

In that way you can select everything with a right-click down > move mouse > right-click up


@TastyToast you are the best! This works perfectly. Thank you so much!