Reusable Data Table Extraction - StudioX

Hi, I want to extract table from SAP but when I close SAP and log in again the extraction fails and get not found error. I know the solution for that in Studio is through Object Repository but seems this option not available in StudioX.

More context if there is work around solution: I am using Data table extraction > Vlookup activity to get extact information at the right row based on a cell on my excel sheet > write cell to copy the value from SAP table into my excel sheet. knowing that the automation will go through many excel files in a folder which share the same template.

A property you’re using in your selector is changing. Show us your selector.


Even in studioX you can open selector…go to the properties panel…from there expand the selector andthen click open in ui explorer from where you can edit the selector as you need


if you can show me in screenshot as i dont see Selector Panel espicially for Table Extraction Activity.

I tried to change strict selector to Fuzzy but then I extraction fails even if i don’t change anything on the element showing on Strict Selector field or Window selector. in fact, I tried another purchase requisition to check if the table ui elements changes but nothing change except the PR number and I am using * for that to make it dynamic


If you select 3 dots after strict selector it would open


i only know little on how to work with Ui explorer. But as I said my issue is I have to define the table again when I login to SAP.


If it is hoghlighting can you please tel the issue

As per intial comment in the first post the issue was you not able to find ui explorer or object repo…and the assumption was it would aolve…so the solution given was according to it…

If you have any further issue do let us know

Also for interqcting with tables in sap there is an sap table scope activity as well

Please check on that as well


Thank you for assistance. you enlighten me about the Table Cell Scope activity which is for SAP. I just indicated the table and don’t care about what column to pick but inside this activity I inserted the Extract Data Table activity and now it works fine even if i log off and on to SAP.

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