Retrieving E-mail Body and Sender Details

Not really. Its just another Mail ID.


I have the same issues as @MW23 and others
Please reply and give solution.

Regards, Bogdan


I also faced that null sender and null from value. It was a client case and I talked with their IT and they said senders can block these information or can send the e-mail without sender information to prevent to get a reply (preventing to get reply to sender mail address but addressing a reply to mail in mail.ReplyToList). I couldn’t get full technical explanation and how to do it but from specific domains I keep receiving the mails in same format. If you are using exchange to get mails you can see replyToList and most probably you will find a useful mail address in there. So in my case, the problem was the email, not the activity.

If I find more details about it I will update.

I had a similar issue when iterating over a collection of emails, not sure if this applies to all who are having issues, but may apply to some. I noticed that calendar related items in the inbox were causing this issue; since they weren’t mail items, they had no sender.

It may be that the exception is being thrown when a calendar type item (I think things like accepted and/or declined items, etc., and maybe the invite itself - having trouble remembering as this was awhile ago).

I hope this helps.

Try tihs


In my case, i was running the outlook in offline mode, making the outlook online and trying to retrieve sender.address and from.address was working fine, make it offline again, the error pops up. Seems more like a outlook problem rather than UiPath. Hope this helps!

I have the same problem only with certain emails and only these emails.
Does anyone have a solution please?
Best regards,

3 posts were split to a new topic: Mail.From.Address is returning a null value in Production while works in Debug