Retrieving column based on the user input key

Hi Team,

I have problem to solve using automation. I have an excel file with four columns.

  1. Entity
  2. country
  3. issue status
  4. original due date

Current situation - Whenever someone asks what all the open status. The users opens the excel file look at the “issue status” column then get the data which are open along with other columns.

is it possible that if to automate this ? As in whenever some one ask what are all the “open status” or " over due" the bot should return the rows which satisifies this categories.
Please find below the example.

Thanks for the help,

Hi @srinivas_pradeep

Try using filter datatable activity

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Hi @NIVED_NAMBIAR thank you.
I am new to RPA, can you please share more details .


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Hi @srinivas_pradeep

Do this way

  1. Use input dialog box to get user input (onstatus like whether they need open, over due etc) and store in input variable

  2. Use read range to read the excel file and store in datatable varaible dt1

  3. Use filter datatable activity to filter the dt1
    with following data

Input Datatable : dt1

Output Datatable : dt2

Column : issue status
Value : input

The dt2 datatable contains the required the data u required.

Hope it helps you


Nived N :robot:

Happy Automation :relaxed::relaxed::relaxed::relaxed:

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Thank you @NIVED_NAMBIAR. Really helpful. Will try this.


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Hey @srinivas_pradeep,

Please find the quick workaround for you. (9.8 KB)

Hope this helps.

Thanks :slight_smile:

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Hi @Nithinkrishna,

Thank you so much. I will go through and let you know. Really helpful.

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You can customise it as per your need :slight_smile:

Hi @Nithinkrishna,

Thank you for all the help. It works nicely. Currently the output is displayed in messages. Can you please share how can i copy that in excel as a report?


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Hey @srinivas_pradeep,

I have updated the code to also generate an output excel file.

PFA - (16.2 KB)

Hope this helps

Thanks :slight_smile:


Hi @Nithinkrishna,

Thank you so much. Really appreciate all the help :slight_smile:


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