Rethrow Get transaction item faulted: Folder does not exist or the user does not have access to the folder. Error code: 1100


When I am get queue item one by one using Get transaction item activity in RF framework it will get the error.

“Could not retrieve transaction item. Exception message: Folder does not exist or the user does not have access to the folder. Error code: 1100”

“Rethrow Get transaction item faulted: Folder does not exist or the user does not have access to the folder. Error code: 1100”

how can i resolve?

My config file is:

Minal Patil

ensure that the Studio is linked with the configured folder:

in your case your workspace folder

Hi @minal.patil,
did you try it from Studio or Orcastrator if studio please make sure that you select the right folder from studio


also make sure that Queue Activity properties is empty or added right value in folder property.


Queue item add successfully but I can’t read it .

it is better also to let us know, what is meant with this screenshot.

Kindly note: the folder is set to Shared and not to your workspace folder. So just adapt it

its working
Thanks for help

Minal Patil

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