Result get from orchestrator

how to get results from the orchestrator for the passed execution…

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Can you please elaborate a bit?

Are you talking about Logs which gets generated while running a process?


I hope you must either mean the out arguments are log files
—if it is out argument that is a resultant from a process as a outcome which can be obtained orchestrator with this @monish06
Kindly have a view on how to handle the arguments


—if we want to get the logs once the process gets over we can go to jobs and click on the right end of the job with three dots and click on VIEW LOGS or option which will give us log file
We can even download that as excel file with a download option at the top right corner

Hope this would help you
Cheers @monish06

yes… I would like to get only the passed execution results alone.

yes… I would like to get only the passed execution results and abandoned results separately.

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@Palaniyappan has mentioned in the second part of text above , please follow that.


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This would help you

For more details


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