Renamed XAML File Shows Incorrectly in Studio

After renaming the xaml file from inside Studio, the old name continues to show. In the example below, ‘Export Styles.xaml’ is the new name, but the original name (‘Export_StyleNames’) continues showing in my project. I have nothing in my project with this name. Further, I do not know what the purpose is for this apparent hyperlink that does not go anywhere.

I believe this name should update when the xaml file is renamed from within Studio. I am using Studio 2022.4.4 Stable Channel.


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Hi @grosner

I also have experienced this in my XAML files, what I have done is open the file using notepad, and using find and replace, replace all the old names for the new ones.

Usually, the changes are on these two parts, but it is easier just to search and replace all.

Hi @grosner follow steps :

  1. Open *project.json file

  2. Rename the project name also and restart the project .

Hi @grosner
Close uipath
Make a copy of .json project file and delete original from folder.
Open main.xml file it will configure json again with your current changes.


Hi @grosner did the above help managed to fix your problem?

No. A missing Project.json means I cannot open the project.
Further, the Project.json contains no information for the old name.
Basically, this seems to be a bug and should not require my interaction to fix.
Can you confirm if this is an issue or if the issue is being addressed?

Hello @grosner, yes indeed, the team above just tried to help you with some workarounds, but you are right, it seems to be a bug. We have added it in our bugs tracking list.

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